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MyLNG - a new product from Cryogas for the transport industry


LNG is a fuel that offers significant reduction of expenditure, as well as reduction of emission of harmful substances. With the introduction of a zero rate of excise on LNG and exemption from MAUT fees in Germany, many carriers have chosen LNG-fuelled trucks. However, a question arises when buying such a vehicle: how do you ensure effective and low-cost refuelling? The answer is MyLNG – a solution developed by Cryogas for transport companies and liquid fuel stations looking for an economic and certain source of LNG.

The appearance of 460 HP LNG-fuelled trucks on the market allowed for long route carriage. LNG means low operating costs, eco-friendly image and wider access to transport orders. To achieve a full success, it is necessary to meet the last condition: securing reliable LNG refuelling.


New offer for the transport industry from the LNG market leader

Cryogas has been supplying LNG in Poland and Central Europe for 7 years. Initially, the supplies were intended for industrial clients, then the LNG offer was supplemented to cover truck fuelling. The company has a complete supply chain, from LNG production, to transport, design, construction, to operational use of stations. LNG supplies are carried out with own fleet of cryogenic tanks. Cryogas’ potential and experience are the foundation of a new, innovative product for transport companies: MyLNG.


Leave others behind and refuel with myLNG

MyLNG means a comprehensive supply of LNG fuel from the moment of purchase of the first vehicle with a natural gas fuel system. The company gains instant access to LNG refuelling with the MYLNG Card. This allows refuelling at Cryogas stations and at partner stations. With the fuel card system, the user has a constant preview of the volume of gas collected and 24/7 access to the station.

With the growth of the fleet, the customer can use the MyLNG Fleet solution, ie their own LNG source at their transport base. MyLNG Fleet guarantees full autonomy and saving time, which is one of the most important factors affecting the efficiency of work in transport.

The good location of the transport base or fuel station offers the possibility of profit from LNG refuelling by other entities. The Cryogas reply in this case is MyLNG Station: a refuelling point with the possibility of providing support to third party customers.


How do you select the right product?

– MyLNG Card: a fuel card obtained via the website. A dedicated servcie representative will take care of formal matters and will forward the cards immediately.

– MyLNG Fleet: a Cryogas specialist will customise the station to the demand of the carrier’s fleet during the meeting.

– MyLNG Station: for companies that plan to refuel ‘external’ vehicles, other than their own fleet: large transport depots or liquid fuel stations; they will receive an attractive proposal to build an LNG refuelling station.


MyLNG is a source of clean fuel for your fleet

Experience of Cryogas shows that the MyLNG product has been successfully implemented on the Polish market. The MyLNG CARD system currently supports over 400 LNG trucks, with long-term users of MyLNG Station in the municipal and public transport area. Cryogas is currently implementing further MyLNG projects for international transport companies.

With the new MyLNG products, a group of customers is increasing who enjoy technically and economically effective access to LNG. Often it also is the possibility of additional earnings from the sale of liquefied natural gas ‘externally’.


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